This weekly reading circle is organized by Nonreligious Beliefs and Practices in Turkey (NBPT) project team to get more familiar with growing literature on nonreligion. And even more importantly we aim to get to know each other’s academic interests and create a team cohesion in conceptual framework through regular meetings. Every week, we will read one (two if they are related journal article/book chapter) article and discuss it in an hour online zoom meeting. In the first 20-25 minutes, there is a presentation by one of the participants, then we open the floor for discussions.
First three weeks were organized along with the concept clarification and for some preliminary theoretical discussions. Afterwards the group will select readings inline with project priorities and students interests. Possible sub-topics may include “Nonreligion as a discursive practice”, “Nonreligion in Muslim Majority Context” “Nonreligion between identity and positionally” Nonreligion and health & education & environment & migration.
We meet every week on Tuesdays at 20:00 (TRY time) through zoom. If you like to join our weekly reading circle please email us at
Below is the list of the papers we have read so far in our weekly reading circle
Bibliography of Weekly Reading Circle
Week 1 – 22.10.2021
Stacey, T., Beaman, L.G. (2021). Introduction. In: Beaman, L.G., Stacey, T. (eds) Nonreligious Imaginaries of World Repairing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Week 2 – 05.11.2021
Quack, J. (2014). Outline of a Relational Approach to ‘Nonreligion’, Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, 26(4-5), 439-469. doi:
Week 3 – 12.11.2021
Lois Lee (2014) Secular or nonreligious? Investigating and interpreting generic ‘not religious’ categories and populations, Religion, 44:3, 466-482, DOI: 10.1080/0048721X.2014.904035. doi:
Week 4 – 19.11.2021
Cragun, R.T., 2019. Questions You Should Never Ask an Atheist: Towards Better Measures of Nonreligion and Secularity. Secularism and Nonreligion, 8, p.6. doi:
Week 5 – 26.11.2021
Smith, J.M. and Cragun, R.T. (2019), Mapping Religion’s Other: A Review of the Study of Nonreligion and Secularity. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 58: 319-335.
Baker, J. O., & Smith, B. G. (2009). The Nones: Social Characteristics of the Religiously Unaffiliated. Social Forces, 87(3), 1251–1263.
Week 6 – 03.12.2021
Bullivant, S. (2020). Explaining the rise of ‘nonreligion studies’: Subfield formation and institutionalization within the sociology of religion. Social Compass, 67(1), 86–102.
Nathan G. Alexander (2021) Rethinking histories of atheism, unbelief, and nonreligion: An interdisciplinary perspective, Global Intellectual History, 6:1, 95-104, doi: 10.1080/23801883.2019.1657640
Week 7 – 10.12.2021
Judith Everington (2019) Including nonreligious worldviews in religious education: the views and experiences of English secondary school teachers, British Journal of Religious Education, 41:1, 14-26, DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2018.1478277
Taves, A. (2018). What is Nonreligion? On the Virtues of a Meaning Systems Framework for Studying Nonreligious and Religious Worldviews in the Context of Everyday Life. Secularism and Nonreligion, 7(1), 9. DOI:
Week 8 – 17.12.2021
Hemming, P. J. (2017). Childhood, youth and non-religion: Towards a social research agenda. Social Compass, 64(1), 113–129.
Halafoff, A., Shipley, H., Young, P. D., Singleton, A., Rasmussen, M. L., & Bouma, G. (2020). Complex, Critical and Caring: Young People’s Diverse Religious, Spiritual and Non-Religious Worldviews in Australia and Canada. Religions, 11(4), 166. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
Week 9 – 24.12.2021
Farias, Miguel, ‘The Psychology of Atheism’, in Stephen Bullivant, and Michael Ruse (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Atheism (2013; online edn, Oxford Academic, 16 Dec. 2013),
Beit-Hallahmi, B. (2006). Atheists: A Psychological Profile. In M. Martin (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Atheism(Cambridge Companions to Philosophy, pp. 300-318). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CCOL0521842700.019
Week 10 – Off
Week 11 – 07.01.2022
Cotter, Christopher (2016) Religion-related discourse:a critical approach to non-religion in Edinburgh’s Southside. PhD thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Week 12 – 14.01.2022
Bugün Online konferansa katıldık: Jeffrey Jedwab: Religious Belief and Practise in Canada During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Week 13 – 21.01.2022
Cotter, C.R. (2017). A Discursive Approach to ‘Religious Indifference’: Critical Reflections from Edinburgh’s Southside. In: Quack, J., Schuh, C. (eds) Religious Indifference. Springer, Cham.
Quack, Johannes. (2017). Bio- and Ethnographic Approaches to Indifference, Detachment, and Disengagement in the Study of Religion. 10.1007/978-3-319-48476-1_10.
Quack, J., Schuh, C. (2017). Conceptualising Religious Indifferences in Relation to Religion and Nonreligion. In: Quack, J., Schuh, C. (eds) Religious Indifference. Springer, Cham.
Week 14 – Off
Week 15 – 04.02.2022
Stephen LeDrew, Recognizing the Non-Religious: Reimagining the Secular. By Lois Lee., Journal of the American Academy of Religion, Volume 84, Issue 3, September 2016, Pages 869–872,
Week 16 – 11.02.2022
Blanes, R. L., & Oustinova-Stjepanovic, G. (Eds.). (2017). Being Godless: Ethnographies of Atheism and Non-Religion(1st ed., Vol. 1). Berghahn Books.
Lee, Lois, ‘Out of the Shadows: Non-Religious and Secularist Bodies in Relief’, Recognizing the Non-religious: Reimagining the Secular (Oxford, 2015; online edn, Oxford Academic, 17 Sept. 2015),
Week 17 – 18.02.2022
Lee, Lois, Recognizing the Non-religious: Reimagining the Secular (Oxford, 2015; online edn, Oxford Academic, 17 Sept. 2015),
Week 18 – 25.02.2022
Akdoğan, A. & Sungur, E. (2016). POSTMODERN ORTAMDA DİNDARIN DEĞİŞEN GİYİM ANLAYIŞI (BAŞÖRTÜSÜ ve TESETTÜR ÖRNEĞİ ÜZERİNDEN KİMLİK TARTIŞMASI) . Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 9 (1), 67-78.
Orhon, G. (2016). SESSİZLİK SÖYLENİR Mİ?: DİNDAR KADINLIK, HABİTUS, KRİZ. Moment Dergi, Pop İslam, 273-281. Retrieved from
Kaya, C. İ. (2019). TÜRKİYE’DE KADINLARIN BAŞÖRTÜSÜ MÜCADELESİNDEN, BAŞÖRTÜSÜYLE MÜCADELESİNE GÖRÜNÜR OLMA ÇABASI VE PRATİKLERİ. International Journal of Social And Humanities Sciences, 3 (2), 61-84. Retrieved from
Week 19 – 04.03.2022
Erbuğ, E. (2021). Ölüm Sosyolojisi: Geleneksel ve Modern Toplumda Ölümün Toplumsal Anlamları. Toplum ve Kültür Araştırmaları Dergisi , (8) , 0-0 . DOI: 10.48131/jscs.1005591
Ergin, M. (2010). Taking it to the Grave: Gender, Cultural Capital, and Ethnicity in Turkish Death Announcements. OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 60(2), 175–197.
Week 20 – 11.03.2022
Kim Abunuwara, Ryan T. Cragun & J. E. Sumerau (2018) Complicating marginalisation: the case of Mormon and nonreligious college students in a predominantly Mormon context, Journal of Beliefs & Values, 39:3, 317-329, DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2018.1441252
David Voas & Siobhan McAndrew (2012) Three Puzzles of Non-religion in Britain, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 27:1, 29-48, DOI: 10.1080/1u3537903.2012.642725
Week 21 – 18.03.2022
Sevinç, K., Coleman III, T. J., & Hood Jr., R. W. (2018). Non-Belief: An Islamic Perspective. Secularism and Nonreligion, 7(1), 5. DOI:
Week 22 – 25.03.2022
Quack, Johannes. (2017). Bio- and Ethnographic Approaches to Indifference, Detachment, and Disengagement in the Study of Religion. 10.1007/978-3-319-48476-1_10.
Week 23 – 01.04.2022
Day, A. (2016). Lois Lee, Recognizing the Non-Religious: Reimagining the Secular. Theology, 119(4), 312–313.
Weeks 24 – 25 – Off
Week 26 – 22.04.2022
Invitation of Jennifer Selby
Selby, 2016, Questioning French Secularism: Gender Politics and Islam in a Parisian Suburb (Contemporary Anthropology of Religion)
Selby, J. A. (2014). Un/veiling Women’s Bodies: Secularism and Sexuality in Full-face Veil Prohibitions in France and Québec. Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 43(3), 439–466.
Weeks 27 – 30 – Off
Week 31 – 27.05.2022
Stacey, T. (2020). Imaginary Friends and Made-Up Stories: How to Explore (Non)Religious Imaginaries Without Asking Belief-Centred Questions. Secularism and Nonreligion, 9, 3. DOI:
Järnefelt, Elisa. (2020). Beneath the Surface: A Critique of the Common Survey Model in the Study of Nonreligion. Secularism and Nonreligion. 9. 10.5334/snr.106.
Week 32 – 03.06.2022
Stacey, T. (2021). Reweaving Spheres: Towards an Ultimate Meaning of Practice. In: Beaman, L.G., Stacey, T. (eds) Nonreligious Imaginaries of World Repairing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Week 33 – 10.06.2022
Devam: (Stacey, 2021)
Week 34 – 17.06.2022 – Off
Week 35 – 24.06.2022
Stacey, T., Beaman, L.G. (2021). Introduction. In: Beaman, L.G., Stacey, T. (eds) Nonreligious Imaginaries of World Repairing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Stacey, T. (2021). Reweaving Spheres: Towards an Ultimate Meaning of Practice. In: Beaman, L.G., Stacey, T. (eds) Nonreligious Imaginaries of World Repairing. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Week 36 – 05.07.2022
A Constructive Critique of Religion: Encounters between Christianity, Islam, and Non-religion in Secular Societies, Mia Lövheim, Mikael Stenmark, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020, 248 sf.
Weeks 37 – 38 – Off
Week 39 – 26.07.2022
Devam (Lövheim, Stenmark: 2020)
Digital Irreligion: Christian Deconversion in an Online Community, Starr vd., 2019,
Week 40 – 02.08.2022
Hutchings, T. (2019). Angels and the Digital Afterlife: Death and Nonreligion Online. Secularism and Nonreligion, 8, 7. DOI:
Week 41 – 09.08.2022
Oddrun M. H. Bråten & Judith Everington (2019) Issues in the integration of religious education and worldviews education in an intercultural context, Intercultural Education, 30:3, 289-305, DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2018.1539307
Week 42 – 16.08.2022 – Off
Week 43 – 23.08.2022
Perez, S., & Vallières, F. (2019). How Do Religious People Become Atheists? Applying a Grounded Theory Approach to Propose a Model of Deconversion. Secularism and Nonreligion, 8, 3. DOI:
Week 44 – 30.08.2022 – Off
Week 45 – 07.09.2022
Beaman, L. G., Steele, C., & Pringnitz, K. (2018). The inclusion of nonreligion in religion and human rights. Social Compass, 65(1), 43–61.
Weeks 46 – 49 – Off
Week 50 – 18.10.2022
Bengtson, Vern & Putney, Norella & Harris, Susan. (2013). Families and Faith: How Religion is Passed Down across Generations. 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199948659.001.0001.
Week 51 – 25.10.2022
Bringing Up Nones: Intergenerational Influences and Cohort Trends, Vern L. Bengtson, R. David Hayward, Phil Zuckerman, Merril Silverstein, pp. 258-275, 2018.
Week 52 – 01.11.2022
Eller, J. D. (2022). A Quiet Tsunami, Secular Studies, 4(2), 117-139. doi:
Smith, Jesse. (2017). Losing Our Religion: How Unaffiliated Parents Are Raising Their Children, by CHRISTEL J. MANNING. Sociology of Religion. 78. 10.1093/socrel/srx009.
Week 53 – 08.11.2022
Exploring the Non-Religious Societal Norms, Attitudes and Identities, Arenas of Conflict, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr and Tom Kaden, p. 105-125,
Fadil, N., & Cesari, J. (2005). Individualizing faith, individualizing identity : Islam and young muslim women in Belgium. In European Muslims and the secular state ; 2005; pp. 143 – 154. Ashgate.
Fadil, N. (2011). Not-/Unveiling as An Ethical Practice. Feminist Review, 98(1), 83–109.
Week 54 – 15.11.2022
Secular Bodies, Affects and Emotions: European Configurations, by Monique Scheer (Ed), Nadia Fadil (Ed), Birgitte Schepelern Johansen (Ed), Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. DOI: 10.1080/17432200.2020.1720426 (Introduction and Chp. 8)
Week 55 – 22.11.2022
van den Berg, M., Schrijvers, L., Wiering, J., & Korte, A.-M. (Eds.). (2020). Transforming Bodies and Religions: Powers and Agencies in Europe (1st ed.). Routledge. // Chapter 8: (Re)Negotiating embodiment when moving out of Islam: An empirical inquiry into ‘A Secular Body’, Maria Vliek, pp. 159-178.
Week 56 – 29.11.2022
A Constructive Critique of Religion: Encounters between Christianity, Islam, and Non-religion in Secular Societies, DOI: 10.5040/9781350113121 //
Löfstedt, M., & Sjöborg, A. (2020). Tolerance and Criticism within Religious Education. In M. Lövheim & M. Stenmark (Authors), A Constructive Critique of Religion: Encounters between Christianity, Islam, and Non-religion in Secular Societies (pp. 135–148). London: Bloomsbury Academic. Retrieved March 5, 2023, from
Week 57 – 06.12.2022 – Off
Week 58 – 13.12.2022
van Nieuwkerk, K. (2018). Moving In and Out of Islam. New York, USA: University of Texas Press. // Introduction, van Nieuwkerk
Week 59 – 20.12.2022
Chapter 12 Barylo, W. (2018). People Do Not Convert but Change Critical Analysis of Concepts of Spiritual Transitions. In K. van Nieuwkerk (Ed.), Moving In and Out of Islam (pp. 27-43). New York, USA: University of Texas Press.
Week 60 – 27.12.2022
Blanes, R. & Oustinova-Stjepanovic, G. (2017). Introduction. Godless People, Doubt, and Atheism. In R. Blanes & G. Oustinova-Stjepanovic (Ed.), Being Godless: Ethnographies of Atheism and Non-Religion (pp. 1-19). New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Week 61 – 03.01.2023 – Off
Week 62 – 10.01.2023
Van Nieuwkerk, K. (2018). Religious Skepticism And Nonbelieving In Egypt. In K. Van Nieuwkerk (Ed.), Moving In And Out Of Islam (Pp. 306–332). University Of Texas Press. Http://Www.Jstor.Org/Stable/10.7560/317471.16
Week 63 – 17.01.2023 – Off
Week 64 – 24.01.2023
von Scheve, C., Berg, A., Haken, M., & Ural, N. (Eds.). (2019). Affect and Emotion in Multi-Religious Secular Societies (1st ed.). Routledge.
Weeks 65 – 68 – Off
Week 69 – 28.02.2023
Vliek, M. (2018). Challenging Secularities, Challenging Religion: ‘Secularist Ex-Muslim Voices’ in the British Debate on Islam and Freedom of Expression, Journal of Religion in Europe, 11(4), 348-377. doi:
Week 70 – 07.03.2023
Maria Vliek (2019) ‘It’s Not Just about Faith’: Narratives of Transformation When Moving Out of Islam in the Netherlands and Britain,Islam and Christian–Muslim Relations, 30:3, 323-344, DOI: 10.1080/09596410.2019.1628459
Weeks 71 – 14.03.2023
Tuesday on March 13, 2023 we are hosting Dr. Sebastian Elsässer. We will discuss with Elsässer his article:
Elsässer, Sebastian. (2021). Arab Non-Believers and Freethinkers on YouTube: Re-Negotiating Intellectual and Social Boundaries. Religions. 12. 106. 10.3390/rel12020106.
Week 72 – 79 – Off
Week 80 – 16.05.2023
Invitation of Yasemin Ural:
N. Yasemin Ural & Anna Lea Berg (2019) From religious emotions to affects: historical and theoretical reflections on injury to feeling, self and religion, Culture and Religion, 20:2, 207-223, DOI: 10.1080/14755610.2019.1603168
von Scheve, Christian & Ural, Nur. (2019). Affective dynamics of conflicts between religious practice and secular self-understanding. DOI: 10.4324/9781351133319-21.
Week 81 – 82 – Off
Week 83 – 07.11.2023
“Living A Nonreligious Life: A Qualitative Empirical Exploration Of Nonreligion In Belgium, Greece, And Norway”, A dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Doctor’s Degree in Theology by Sofia NIKITAKI, Supervisor Prof. Dr. Annemie DILLEN
Nikitaki, S. (2022). The Place of Nonreligion in Theology and Religious Studies: Issues and Insights from Empirical Research with Scholars of Religion. In: Zwilling, AL., Årsheim, H. (eds) Nonreligion in Late Modern Societies. Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies. Springer, Cham.
Week 84 – 102 – Off
Week 103 – 24.10.2023
Invitation of Betül Can
CAN, B., (2023). Kollektif Narsisizmin Cinsiyet Üzerindeki İz Düşümü: “Üstün Erkeklik”. Erkek Olmak İslam, Sabiteler Değişen Roller (pp.211-244), İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık.
Week 104 – 31.10.2023
Proje ekibinden Biçaba Bursiyeri Dicle Paşa makale sunumunu yaptı:
“Queer ve Ladinilik”
Week 105 – 07.11.2023
Invitation of Sofia Nikitaki
Living A Nonreligious Life: A Qualitative Empirical Exploration Of Nonreligion In Belgium, Greece, And Norway
Week 106 – 14.11.2023
Proje ekibinden Berfin Atlı yüksek lisans tezini sundu:“Türki̇ye’de Di̇ndar Olmama Halleri̇ ve Bedensel Tezahürleri̇”
Week 107 – 21.11.2023
Schulz, M., & Binder, S. (2023). Introduction: An Anthropology of Nonreligion?. Religion and Society (published online ahead of print 2023). Retrieved Nov 22, 2023, from
Week 108 – 07.12.2023
Figen Balamir, Anlam Arayışındaki Bir Durak: Alfa Çalışma Programı Üzerine Etnografik Bir İnceleme (Yayımlanmamış makale)
Week 109 – Off
Week 110 – 19.12.2023
Furkan Dilben, Tevafuktan Tesadüfe, Beş Vakitli Günden Vazgeçmek: Mütedeyyin Erkeklerin Dini Terketme Pratikleri ve Sekülerleşme Süreçleri, 2023 (Doktora tezi sunumu)
Week 111 – 115 – Off
Week 116 – 30.01.2024
Hecker, P. (2023). Resistance Through Nonperformance: Atheism and Nonreligion in Turkey. Religion and Society (published online ahead of print 2023). Retrieved Feb 8, 2024, from
Week 117 – 13.01.2024 – 139 Off
Week 140 – 24.07.2024
Demiryürek, Ahmet S. (2024), “Geç Modern Toplumda Dindar Kadınların Spiritüel Arayışları” Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Din Sosyolojisi ABD, Bursa.