Kurtuluş Cengiz
Kurtuluş Cengiz is an assistant professor at Ankara University, department of Sociology. He is one of the coauthors of books Yaşlılar ve Yaşlı Yakınları Açısından Yaşam Biçimi Tercihleri, [Lifestyle choices of the elderly from the elderly’s perspective and that of their relatives – 2004] Türkiye’de Dindarlık [Religiosity in Turkey – 2012], and Türkiye’de Spiritüel Arayışlar [Spiritual Seeking in Turkey – 2021]. Currently he is a researcher for the Nonreligious Beliefs and Practices in Turkey (NBPT) research project. Works/Activity Fields: Field Studies, Methodological Discussions, Theoretical Discussions on Civil Society, Studies on the Historical Development of Civil Society, Political/Economic/Social/Cultural Rights, Aging. |

Hasan Kaplan
Professor Kaplan is a psychologist of religion specializing in the Islamic tradition. His research and teaching interests include Muslim experience in the West, Islamophobia and moral psychology. Dr. Kaplan earned his PhD from Syracuse University. He taught courses in several US higher education institutes such as SUNY, Syracuse University and LeMoyne College. He continued his teaching and research activities in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University until mid 2017. Professor Kaplan currently teaches psychology and religion at Ibn Haldun University. Currently, he is a researcher for the Nonreligious Beliefs and Practices in Turkey (NBPT) research project.

Zübeyir Nişancı
Zübeyir Nişancı is an assistant professor at Marmara University, department of Sociology. He received his PhD studies at Loyola University Chicago where he also taught courses such as Sociology of Religion, Introduction to Sociology, Social Problems, Global Inequalities and Social Movements. Between 2011 and 2013, Zubeyir Nisanci also worked as a statistics adviser at Loyola. His areas of interests include sociology of religion, quantitative methods, religious movements, civic participation, immigration and globalization.
Nişancı is a researcher for the Nonreligious Beliefs and Practices in Turkey (NBPT) research project.